22 mart. 2010

The gallery is up again


We are pleased to inform you that our Graffiti Gallery is back and ready for you to place your eyes [...]

The gallery is up again2010-03-22T17:28:43+02:00
8 mart. 2010

Gallery unavailable


Please be aware that our Graffiti Gallery (which contains over 8000 pictures) will be unavailable or will have a faulty [...]

Gallery unavailable2010-03-08T02:28:07+02:00
13 ian. 2010

Primul album de street art romanesc


Joi, 21 ianuarie, la ora 18.00, in Cafe Verona, Alexandru Ciubotariu lanseaza in editie limitata la editura Vellant primul album [...]

Primul album de street art romanesc2010-01-18T12:21:11+02:00
21 oct. 2009

Express Yourself In Colors


Vino vineri, 23 octombrie, intre orele 11:00 si 18:00, in Parcul Unirii din Bucuresti si demonstreza cat de talentat esti [...]

Express Yourself In Colors2009-10-21T15:44:19+02:00
9 mai 2009

Concurs: La Métropole d’Aérosol


10 Mai in SKATE PARK Herastrau are loc prima editie a concursului de graffiti, La Métropole d'Aérosol! Premii diverse, Lowridere, [...]

Concurs: La Métropole d’Aérosol2009-05-09T17:32:44+02:00
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